The Every Other Saturday Boatbuilding Class
Learning the Fundamental Skills for Constructing
Traditional Plank-on-Frame Wooden Boats.
Photos below are of two of the easier models of traditional wooden boats that are being built at the School. The upper one is a simple rowing skiff.
Below is a photo of a 13ft round-sided dory that is a modification of the Chamberlin Skiff.
This class runs from 9am to 2pm every other Saturday except on national holidays. Thus the actual duration of the class is about seven months. Student absence is counted as class time.
The Every Other Saturday Class offers training in the proper use of hand tools necessary for traditional wooden boatbuilding.
Prospective students should first email the School to schedule a visit to introduce themselves.
After an initial school visit, applicants may request to attend a free audit of the class from 9am to 2pm. If still interested, the applicant may apply to join the class. If the class is full, the applicant may ask to be added to the waiting list.
Please send all inquiries to
This class is for amateurs with some woodworking experience, and also for experienced woodworkers. The focus is on the proper use of hand-tools and learning the various construction methods used in traditional wooden boatbuilding. Lapstrake and carvel planking are taught at the boatshop.
Number of students: This class is limited to 5 students.
Instructor: Bob Darr.
Tuition is $300 per student for six months. One half is to be paid upon registration, and the balance payable on the first day of class. Students with timely and steady attendance may ask to repeat the class.
Tool needs:
Students will need to buy their own basic hand tools such as planes, chisels, saws, hammer etc.